Thursday, July 15, 2010

Not too much.

Again, I'm continuing this one off of notes two weeks after the fact. It's July 31st right now.

I utterly forget most of it at this point, so here's what I remember.

I want to say there was something military related in there. Whether the area or the like. The room was long and rectangular with an archway about one third into the room where I was. Something like a separation of two rooms, but not really. If anyone lives in a New England home, you probably know what I mean. The room was flooded I believe. If not, there was definitely water, yet everything remained pristine. I don't remember feeling wet or worrying about the water. No feelings of frustration or anything.

At the end of the two rooms was a doorway off to the right leading further into house. I don't remember exploring that far, but my guy feels like I may have. There were multiple windows on the left side with the sun trying to peek through curtains. Oddly, in the primary room I was in, there was also a fish tank with a fish in it. I'm not sure how that's relevant to anything, but it seems slightly amusing to me now.

There were others in this room as well. It was familiarity. If anything, it was their presence that was felt. There was at least on other that I would confirm with myself. A female. I also felt male presence further in the house. At this point, the female part could be fabricated because of another dream I just wrote about, but I do believe there was one, if not just in presence, there. Right now though, I'm going to lean more towards fabrication.

In a show, here's the note I had for that one paragraph. I'm going to stop here because that's the last note.

-There was familiarity with one other person there.

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