Friday, March 19, 2010


Here's an odd one. Again, I'll just recap things as I remember them. Events may not be chronological, transitional, or sequential.

I found myself in my high school. I was in the room where I would normally have taken bio classes with Mr. Pelosi. The test was for bio, but the teacher was my freshman Bio 111 professor. My feelings were such that I had no idea what the test was going to be about. The only thing I could think about was how I was probably going to just get a B for the semester instead of an A. Upon receiving the test, the questions were all long answer and they seemed incomprehensible. I specifically remember one that was asking something in the range of photon interactions with electrons with a specific substance. The substance was (FO)(FO)(FO)(FO)(FO) (which isn't an actual substance, thus in itself makes no sense). I later read through the other questions to see which ones I knew and they too made no sense, though they weren't mathematically based for the most part. Still, I had the feeling that I was going to do awful on the test. The professor seemed to be saying that he'd give credit for funny answers. I kept going up to him with questions on the test, though I don't remember that I was asking him. I suppose it had more to do with "Is this answer acceptable for credit?"

The room itself, as stated, was Mr. Pelosi's room where he taught Biology in my freshman year of High School. The desks were those regular old high school desks with blue seats. If you were facing the blackboard, they were all arranged such that they were all facing to the right towards the door. There were other students in there, though I don't remember any of them.

I also had another test in a different room. This one was English related. Perhaps it was a paper due. I honestly don't remember too much about this one. I think it was my English Professor from my first semester in college, Mrs. Thompson. I don't remember the assignment, all I knew was that I was either late or unprepared. Again, all I could think about was not having a perfect grade.

Later on, related to the dream but different in its own right, I remember walking into my high school gym before school started. At least I walked into the doors that would lead to the lower cafeteria. I found myself in what I realize now was the gym of my middle school. I'm not sure why I had to go to my high school. It was something related to taking a certain class for some reason, or at least that's what I was telling people. It felt awkward being there. There was the gym, but there were also glass cubicles with the students wearing my high school uniform inside doing what looked like, well, school related things. I mostly remember there being glass cubicles on the right more so than anywhere else. In front of me was the vacant area where the basketball courts would be, though this time it was substantially smaller. If anything, it felt like I was inside more of an atrium then a gym. I knew it was early, before the start of school, yet there seemed to be more students present in that place then there should have been. Someone recommended to me that I should just go through the locker rooms to get inside. It seemed like a normal decision but I felt hesitant towards it. I remember being inside the school somehow later on. I was outside some locker talking to someone I didn't know. I felt short though. Shorter than I actually am. Perhaps I was kneeling or crouching.

Randomly I remember seeing a face that I knew when I was still in high school. The last name was Maloney, but I forget her first name. It some someone to whom I have never really spoken to, but knew the face. Her sister was in my grade, so I knew the family name, just not the first name. I asked her what she was doing there in a nonchalant way, trying to sound disarming and non-threatening. I suppose there was a sense of security in knowing that I wasn't the only graduate being in there at the time. I don't remember any kind of response, but there could have been. For some reason, I also remember looking into the reflection in a nearby door that had a dark room behind it (the doors all had windows at chest level). In the reflection there seemed to be a mask that appeared next to her face in the reflection, though the mask appeared much more opaque than her own reflection. It was the mask of a person. Similar features to her own I believe, but I could be mistaken.

Next I was outside. It was outside of the school. I was walking up a hill which was an exacerbated rendition of what's really outside my high school at present. I don't remember seeing the school next to me however. I was headed somewhere, but it surely wasn't home. I felt like I was trying to get to the nearby subway station. I felt like it was either Braintree or one of the Quincy Stations. Perhaps Quincy Center or Quincy Adams. someone pulled over from the side of the road and asked me if I wanted a ride. He was driving in a white sedan that looked to be a level above standard. Perhaps slightly more luxurious. Again, it was a familiar face from high school, thought in this instance I don't remember who. It was a member of the class below mine, I do know that. I suppose I could say a name, but I'm truly not sure. It seemed to be a mix of two people. Both individuals are Irish, but this guy looked more Italian, 5 o'clock shadow, and a short hair cut. A high and tight that had grown out for a few weeks with gelled hair spiked on top. He looked like a business man. He was wearing a collared shirt, light blue I believe. I don't remember if he had a jacket on or not. If he did, it was a suit jacket.

We drove by the point that I wanted to get off at. It was then that I asked "Where are you going?" He just looked to me and said "I'm just going straight. Let me know when you want to get off at." I didn't feel threatened by him at all. If anything, I was actually curious as to where I would end up if I just stayed in the car. He said no specific destination, he was just driving forward. Most interesting indeed. It's now that I REALLY begin to wonder where that would have led had I not woken up.

I would like to say that I am enjoying writing these immensely. The allow me to ponder things that I wouldn't have thought of otherwise. Perhaps I'll have some friend, or even a complete stranger, who will bump into these and find some sort of interpretation in them. The scientist in me tells me that dreams are nothing more than vivid hallucinations. Though there is still a curious element in me that wonders if there's perhaps some other deeper meaning. In either case, it's fun to go over a dream that you had a year later. Perhaps later in time I'll figure out what all of this means.

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