Monday, March 15, 2010

Related to School... Somehow?

First things first, the grammar on all of these is going to be horrible. I write them as they come to me as more a form of notation.

That being said:

I’m not entirely sure of all details but I’ll write what I remember.

In one part, I remember walking in the snow from my parent’s house up the hill towards the mailbox. I’m not sure what I was wearing, and there was only very light snow outside, half an inch to an inch. As I was walking, I remember my feet feeling warm. As I continued up the hill, there was a sudden feeling of wet cold on my feet. I looked down and realized I was in my thick hiking socks. I looked back and saw my footprints. I decided to keep walking forward and really didn’t feel the snow through my socks again provided that I didn’t think about it.

In another (separate?) dream, I was at school. However, the school resembled that more of my high school in what kind of reminded me of Mr. Polsi’s room.

Before had, I seem to recall being in a class where someone was telling us to write things down for what I assumed was a lab. We were being told to write these totally arbitrary things down on what looked like some kind of map. At the same time, I remember being at the location being talked about. I seemed to fluctuate back and forth. The location was outside. There was a bridge to my left. Similar to a tiny suspension bridge or one that looked something like a freeway bridge. I seem to recall water under it with a shore perfectly parallel to it. To my right was a concrete platform. A block with something on top of it, maybe something else. Details about some path taken had to be written down in order to do the lab correctly.

This may be another part. I was later trying to figure out what had to be done in order to do the assignment. I had this feeling that the deadline had already passed. I was trying to find a locker. In an earlier dream, I remember being in the same area opening a locker with my old locked combination. I remember unlocking it, but I don’t remember taking anything out. I remember someone to my right initially looking at me. I’m not sure who it was. Later, as previously stated, I was trying to get back into my locker. The number on the locker was 050. I tried my combination but it didn’t work. Perhaps I went by the “5”, which was the second number in the combination, too quickly I remember thinking. I couldn’t get it open. Someone else was with me. Maybe Kate Funderburk? It was a fimiliar face associated with someone that I knew in highschool. I was saying that I didn’t think that this was my locker and that I wasn’t sure which locker was mine. Upon stating this, there was some older woman standing there to my left. Again, another familiar face but I’m not sure who. In the dream she felt familiar. Someone I had met before. I said that I forgot where my locker was. She asked me a question, and I answered, but she didn’t seem to be looking for the information I was looking for. My locker. The locker in both instances was a bottom locker (there was one locker above and one below in the whole thing). I looked around the hallway. It was lit, but there seems to be a lot of light coming from outside. I looked down the hallway and noticed this. There seemed to be a picture window in the stairwell that could be seen through doors with large full-sized windows with a single piece of glass. Thinnk a regular door but with the first 6-12 inches of the parameter being solid door and the rest being glass. The stairwell windows were bisected in the middle.

I had some sort of revelation at that point that we should go check the other end of the hallway for my locker. That maybe I was on the wrong side. Though I thought this, I just headed straight to the classroom. At this point, there were only me and two or three others int here. It felt like the class had already passed and that this was taking place after regular school hours. I felt that she was going to repeat which questions had to be done. The instructor had some sort fo accent. I believe it was Russian. I saw some original copy of the map with the path traced along it. I opened my notebook and found that assignment as well as the ones after and before it.

At this point I was either handed a paper or I found it in there with my grades for the assignment. The first grade I saw looked like it said 18% or -18%. I had the feeling that I didn’t do well at all. The first page looked like a roadmap. It was stapled at the top. The second page said something like 94%. I checked to see what was done wrong on that. When I looked, it seemed that things were marked wrong that shouldn’t have been. Where I had multiplied something by 6/6, it was crossed out and written in red ink as 2/2 * 3/3, which was the same thing. I believe there were some other things in there as well, I assume dealing with using a different letter to denote a variable in an equation. I feel that I saw another paper, but I forgot what It said.

I was partially relieved when I saw the missing papers, so that I didn’t have to copy down what had to be done again. At the same time, I felt that I was going to have to argue the point of the assignment being late. I should note that the map itself looked like ti related to water, but it wasn’t topographical. It was crudely drawn and had been photocopied. It looked similar to a child’s drawing in black and white lines. It was more or less an outline.

Again, I saw myself outside. I was in that field again with the bridge to my left. I walked up to the concrete platform, which sloped up on its front side evenly. That side was covered in grass, not concrete. There was a road on top. I got onto the bus with my mom (I’m not sure, but I feel like it was my mom). The bus driver started driving. Something came up and I found out he used to be in the Marines. Our stop apparently was near some gas station. We drove by it once, after I had already pushed the “request stop” button. Whoever was with me, my Mom I believe, though tthat we had just missed our stop. I had a feeling that the driver was going to swing around and take a different path. He eventually did. I reember the turn being sharp, and that I had to hold on as the turn was sharp and fast.

The gas station seemed to resemble being near the corner of that onramp going from wollaston to north quincy near the highschool. Though we were coming from the opposite direction, not from wollaston. At the same time, now that I think of it, it also looked like (as far as the roads were concerned in both cases) the gas station that I used to stop by with Bart in Okinawa. Perhaps it was a hybrid of both. There was a grassy, slightly wooded area behind it. The bus driver was saying something about some raccoons in the area, or at least that’s what I gathered from him. He opened the door and there one was, however it was near some porcupines. He seemed to refer to the raccoons as though they were human. I don’t’ remember what he said specifically. I remember getting off the bus, and whoever was with me may have as well. When I got off the bus, I sat down next to one raccoon. The grown sloped downward, where I was on the top of the slope. There were porcupines as I said, who seemed much more interested in greeting me. I felt as though they could talk as well. That or I could understand what they were thinking. More came and they just kept brushing up against me. For some reason, It was as though their quills were very shirt, more like that of a cactus. I felt that they were hurting the raccoons, and that it bothered them, but at the same time, they were putting up little resistance.

I remember feeling getting hit by the quills of the porcupines as they just brushed up against me, though I feel that at first it was a friendly greeting. In aother part, one seemed to be getting defensive and while facing away from me, was sticking his hair on end, which would in turn hit my arm by mistake. I could get up or get away from that area at the moment.

There also seemed to be a raccoon there who looked like he was either sleeping or passive, but had porcupines all around him who seemed to be just lying there.

At that point I got up and started taking the quills that had stuck off of my skin. Where they were once small, they were now huge and had penetrated fully into my skin completely, albeit for the tips which were sticking out of my skin, stretching it as they poked. One in particular near my elbow on ym right arm stuck my skin out about three inched. I yanked it out quickly and it went away. I started noticing the same effect all over my arms, so I started pulling them out. I was surprised at how relatively little pain there was. The first one I pulled out looked like it was a good six to eight inches long. There was another one that I remember specifically that was poking. I looked to another part of my arm and saw a white tip. It felt like that was going to be more difficult to remove, but I also noticed that it was one large one in me that was running parallel with my arm, and was poking out at both ends. I remember trying to remove it. That was the last thing I remember.

I want to also say that I remember there was another part of the dream that related to that map mentioned earlier. It was myself and some others doing something. IT felt important, but could have been bad or mischievous. That perhaps someone didn't want us to do the certain thing. If I remember what happened, I'll be sure to write it down.

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