Sunday, December 5, 2010

Reality vs. Rationality

I'd like to write about my dreams. In the many cases of where they feel more real than reality does. I have a tendency to meet people in them. It's strange however. The people that I meet have more than just faces, they have names and personalities. I wonder sometimes if these people really do exist. The scientist in me tell me no, but my irrational side says that there's nothing that can truly prove otherwise.

I cannot understate my curiosity as to whether or not these people exist. Names mentioned, experiences shared, emotions felt. Do they exist, and do they remember me? Have I met any of these people already? Perhaps I've seen them already. It would be cool to be able to ask someone who looks like one of them if that's their name, and ask of certain things that you believe you know about them are true. Then again, lets say that you were right in everything. It would be freaky and cool, but their rational mind might label you as a stalker. After all, who's going to believe you when you tell them you met them in a dream?

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