Monday, December 8, 2008

Last night I had a very unusual dream. It was nighttime when these events happened. Specifically, I don’t recall what I was doing with Stephen before hand, but for some reason we were supposed to freak out / scare the crap out of Adam and Andy. They were both supposed to be in a car driving up a very non-descript paved road.

The whole area was only dimly lit. Not the kind of lit from streetlights and the like, but the kind of lighting produced by two cars facing one another. Their headlights illuminating each other's faces. For some reason there were white walls on either side of us that were illuminated by the lateral lighting of the truck we were hiding only feet from. Almost like a UPS truck. I remember there being like a couple of stairs on the truck itself that lead into it. We both waited in ambush. I was crouching next to the truck.

When their car came around the darkened corner, I kind of forget what I did, but whatever it was the windshield was now entirely smashed save for a small amount on the bottom. Words were exchanged between Stephen and Andy. Adam said nothing. I forget exactly was said, but it seemed like a partial scolding or "What are you doing?" A voice and manner that she's given many times in my lifetime. No fear, just frustration. Facing the car, Andy was on the left, Adam was on the right. The exchange happened for a combined total of what felt like five seconds Stephen then pulled out a semiautomatic pistol and fired about three to six rounds. I remember seeing one of the rounds impact what was left of the windshield glass. It impacted between the two. As he fired one of the rounds hit and killed Adam. He ceased fire. Entirely, somehow, it was all an accident. The intent was not to kill or maim, but to scare and nothing more.

The rest was cloudy. I didn't care that Adam as dead for some reason. Rather, I was very upset that Stephen would be going to jail for a very very long time.

Next I was somehow at home in my living room. My Mom in the chair nearest our couch. She asked how things were going. I then tried to say something but ended up crying out, "It was totally an accident. He didn't mean to. But Stephen killed Andy!" (I have no idea how it switch from Adam to Andy) I then buried my face in the couch's big green pillow nearest the lounge-chair and cried. It felt like what I should do at the time. However looking at it now, that's what I used to do when I was about six or eight years old.

I don't remember anything after that point. I probably got up and went to the bathroom to fill up a water-bottle to drink or something.

There's one more that I had last week that I'd like to mention before I forget everything.

Most of the details are lost to me, but this all took place in the water. There was no bacground or anything, just a void. Not black, but a light navy blue if that makes any sense. That, water, what I'm about to mention, and some kind of dock that doubled as a shelter or room. In either case there was what looked like an over-sized cockpit from a Cobra attack helicopter that had been severed off and was floating int he water. It was pretty big.

The water was only slightly wavy. Fairly placid overall.

I was driving in a Zodiac on the water. You know, a CRRC. Those black rubber Navy Seal boats. There was some reason or event that caused the cockpit to be there but I completely forget that part. There was also some sort of imminent danger present. I remember others from the dock/room telling me not to go back out on the water. I went anyway.

Inside the cockpit I remember seeing this blonde girl, roughly early 20's. I don't remember the face but remember her hair. You know how Highlights look on brown hair? It looked like the reverse of that. Mostly blonde hair with under streaks of brown. It was roughly four to six inches below the shoulder. I felt that she knew me, or I knew her. In either case, she was fearful of something. That or resentful of my being there in a sense. One of the two.

The last thing I remember is standing in the Zodiac, trying to figure out how to get into the massive cockpit.

Ever seen a helicopter cockpit with two rooms? I think I did.

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