Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Real Quick One

I forget EVERYTHING else from this one, but I had a pet raccoon. It was pretty awesome the more I think about it. Like a cat, only a coon.

That is all.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Reality vs. Rationality

I'd like to write about my dreams. In the many cases of where they feel more real than reality does. I have a tendency to meet people in them. It's strange however. The people that I meet have more than just faces, they have names and personalities. I wonder sometimes if these people really do exist. The scientist in me tell me no, but my irrational side says that there's nothing that can truly prove otherwise.

I cannot understate my curiosity as to whether or not these people exist. Names mentioned, experiences shared, emotions felt. Do they exist, and do they remember me? Have I met any of these people already? Perhaps I've seen them already. It would be cool to be able to ask someone who looks like one of them if that's their name, and ask of certain things that you believe you know about them are true. Then again, lets say that you were right in everything. It would be freaky and cool, but their rational mind might label you as a stalker. After all, who's going to believe you when you tell them you met them in a dream?

Saturday, July 31, 2010

What a weird... battle...

This is fading fast in my mind so lets just hit details. These are in no order and they jump all over the place.

The gist of the dream was combat mixed with Julie moving out. The only thing related to the two things is the location I'd start and stop from. I don't remember any of the details of the fighting now, but I do remember some of the other things that happened.

First thing I will mention is being on shit. Looked like the starboard side smoking area of the USS Harper's Ferry. On there were some old military friends. Of those friends, I only recognized one. He was a Doc we had back from one my my boat courses. He was there rapping in spanish, throwing in the inside line of "Yo Mami" (don't bitch) in the tone he always put it. My friends were there as well. I forget which ones.

We then went inside. Now it suddenly looked like we were inside a house. Well, we were suddenly inside of a house, unrelated to the boat. I thought it was my apartment. Now that think about it, it didn't look anything like my apartment, but it felt like ti was. There was no dividing wall between the front door and the living room. The kitchen was of different design and had a door that went into something of a basement area. There were people going through my house. Not the drawers or anything, but walking through to the kitchen to go downstairs.

There was something about Julie suddenly grabbing all of her stuff for her moving out. Jake and Cory were there as well, but Cory's presence felt stronger than Jake's. I had fallen asleep on the couch. I felt tension from Julie about me doing so.

Downstairs was something of an open garage area (this I know was the second to last dream I had). There was this one guy who was trying to get me to do some sort of yoga workout group. The person doing the convincing was Asian and familiar to me. The whole thing was done in this basement area from walking downstairs, but it looked more like an abandoned area in a lush and beautiful tropical jungle. Only in this case, were were further into the ground so it looked like we were in a pit. A rectangular pit that extended lengthwise maybe an additional 50 feet. Maybe 1/3 to 1/2 of the area was covered in overhead from the house. The rest was leaves everywhere with a small body of water that took up half of this pit. There was a light misty rain and the sun was poking through the leaves in a golden manner. I felt bad because I didn't know my apartment had that. I would have loved to have spent my time down there had I known.

With those details, I had been down there before, but it was to escape from something or attack something. Combat related, but it felt like avoiding than assaulting. There was the stairwell to get down there and then, at the back, dead center, there was a door that I really want to say went into some kind of restaurant kitchen. This is where I met the others for the dinner I'm going to talk about. The second time I was down there was when I really studied it.

Dinner with my friends and family. I was eating with them. I had a caesar salad with very large croutons. The table was rectangular. Seated at it was my dad, and some female my age. I almost want to say Tricia from high school, though I may be horribly mistaken. At another round table to the rear of that table when facing the immediate wall was my mom. Everyone had the salad. (I'm amused I can taste in my dreams). Across from where no one was sitting was something of a salad bar, but it was in kind of a shelf. There was dressing on it. However when I grabbed it and put it in my bowl, I didn't get any on my hands. If anything it no longer had dressing. I didn't notice this until now. I just kept thinking to myself that the salad was too soft and soggy. Somehow I make talk about this, and I say that "It's been a really bad year for lettuce." For some reason, in my head, climate change popped in as the reason for this. That makes me make a stupid face now. I also remember, kneading? the lettuce. Trying to get it so it's not sticking out of the bowl. Eventually, it looked kind of organized and blanketed. The pieces were very large. Mostly romaine pieces mixed with iceberg and cabbage leaves. Maybe it was after this the former happened (story above)?

There was a third incident of my going down to the sunny-jungle-basement. In this one, there was a group of people headed down again. Same Yoga thing, but also felt toury, if that's a word. Tricia was down there. She mentioned something about how she was looking for an apartment come soon. Of course, I mentioned something about the extra room I have available for rent with a friend of mine (3br place). She said she'd definitely consider it. I told her how much it was. She almost seemed like she was trying to haggle with me about it. I felt like she was trying to make it less than $450/mo. She proceeded to tell me how she lost her job and that she was only making $430 a month off of unemployment. I'm thinking "dammit" and why the hell can't people just get a job that's not glorious but pays some money?

On my way up, there was some sort of, uh, deity? She said or gave me something that she said was going to help. Somehow, I saw that my rent for each room had gone to zero, and mine was only about 5-15 dollars. That makes no sense, but I thought I'd say it. Her element was water. This was for something else I had done previously, but have forgotten at this time.

Locked house suddenly unlocked. it was from one of the three trips to the basement. Cartoonish murder scene on the first bedroom to the right. kitchen to the left. There were stairs leading to a second floor? Wider architecture. Man and woman. Woman wearing white (no signs of visible trauma), the man wearing pajamas? The man's chest area was bloody. Obvious chest wounds. The incident felt like a stabbing. At first I though the woman did it then committed suicide because the husbands wrists were bound together. Then, upon closer inspection, the woman's arms were bound as well. There was an upstairs to that place as well. For some reason, I remember trying to get in there previously to no avail. There was someone else who was there at that time. A woman. Perhaps she was responsible? It didn't feel like she was. It felt more like she was just... living there with two bodies in the downstairs.

I was outside running in a town carrying an assault rifle of unknown origin. I was there to support three or four friends. I remember two males and one female, but I'm not sure if there was a fourth male. I believe there was though. They weren't military. THey felt more like paramilitary. They were experienced none the less. OH goodie, combat. There was a lot more to it than what I really remember (I just remember that there was more, not what happened). I turn this one corner and go through a shot out wooden building. The wall is missing on the side that was opposite me. My side was still partially there. All buildings are attached like in a town or city square. There's this one guy standing there. I shoot, he turns around. I shoot again and again. It does nothing. Shooting and it didn't work. Punching didn't work. We were now locked together in hand to hand. I went to snap his neck but ended up snapping his arm. I saw a health-bar go down to red, which now I laugh at. I tried again and again to see if it would go down further, but it didn't. This is where Jake suddenly appeared with other friends of mine. I was kind of in a grassy field area now with an overcast sky. The building I was in fighting was now to my left. Jake shoring me how to execute a throw technique. Before he did it, I thought of what he was going to do the second he grabbed my arms. There was also another friend there who I tried throwing a couple of times. I'm not sure if it was voluntary.

Then I woke up.

fighting -

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Finally! One about Aliens! :D

Ok. I forget who I was with. All familiar people to me. I was with at least one girl and one guy.

For some reason beforehand, we developed rocket-waterskis. That makes no sense, which only makes this dream more awesome. We were all in some shack or house or something. Actually, it may have been a bar. There was talk about some kind of alien visitation or unexplained noise from the night before. Some girl asked me about it and I said, "yea, I heard the noise too." I have no idea why. The noises apparently came from this fenced off junkyard that had circus tents in it. Well, it came from above that area. White lights and noise were what I was expecting.

The next thing I remember, I'm on a train, going somewhere. The train was more of an Amtrak train, but the kind they used to have in the early 90's and late 80's. You know, the ones that didn't suck. In either case, that same girl was talking to me about some other crazy idea.

Now I'm in my bedroom at my parents house, or at least something with the same design. It's me, that girl, and one other guy. I think at this point the other guy might be my brother. It definitely wasn't before though. That girl's next idea was rocket-powered skis/skates/something like that. It wasn't for profit or entertainment. It had something to do with the potential of extra-terrestrial visitors.

Somehow, the room was also part of a large open field, much like Pagent field in Quincy. There was a perfect outline of the city. The sky was basically black, and there was little cloud cover. I asked the mystery girl what the spacecraft looked like, she said something with white lights, basically what I had pictured in my head before.

I look out to the field and it looked like police lights, but higher than they should be. It looked like flashing lights, but they were too oddly placed and moving around like confused spotlights from slightly behind a cloud. Then BAM, spacecraft over the city. They looked slightly ridiculous. Here's the best way to describe what they looked like. Picture a rectangle with respect to the horizontal. Now put triangles on the top and bottom, but ones that are not vertically dominating. Now on the top and bottom, picture a very thin rod extending out with a circular ball at the end. There were lights in two layers going around the center that I could see from afar. Mostly blue with some red... spotlights?

Looking at them, I got super excited. The city skyline and surrounding area was lined with a single line of starships. Then they started giving off some kind of noise. I yelled to my brother (I'm just going to assume now the other guy is my brother) to check out what was going on. It was then the starships began giving off a loud noise, but not too loud. They also began moving to different areas. One was headed in my direction. For some reason, I was magically inside looking at where the one starship was landing. It's shape changed drastically as it came in for a landing. Instead of that rediculous retro look, it took on something more modern looking. It's landing gear was extending down. They were large hoof-like things. Very wide and broad. I welled at the other two to follow me as we were going to go check it out. I was wearing sandals and decided sneakers would be better for running there. So I threw my sandals off and put on some socks. I gabbed one sneaker and started putting it on.

Then I woke up.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

I dreamed that I was going out with a friend of mine. A chance that I know would never really happen. (in real life now) She's beautiful, but I'm not going to destroy what's there.

I don't remember details, just that one fact.

Saturday, July 17, 2010


If this looked all messy and everything, I just woke up and I have a band-aid on
my finger.

Three parts to this one.

Specific details are lost to me as of current for the first.

The purpose of my movement felt like for a reason of escape or evasion. However it did not feel urgent. There were others to whom I was following. I forget who. I believe it was not something that I know in my actual life.

I remember what the place looked like. I was in a mall. I have no idea what I was doing in that mall, but it did have a distinct look. For the most part, it was huge. The most common color was white or a light shade of tan. Most of the walls towards the outline of the mall were all glass and steel. The front area was curved ever so slightly. As if to be some sort of architectural artistic thing.

Primarily, I was on an escalator it felt like. That's where I'm drawing the building from in my mind. I get up some stairs and there's still someone in front of me. They're talking. We're running, and now there's one or two more with us. They're spaced a good seven to fifteen feet apart from one another. We're standing at some wall, glass railings around us. I think there's an elevator shaft in front of me. At least the doors to the elevator. This area is concave curved slightly with respect to the vertical acent, which is straight. The elevator doors are steel and straight. The wall only extends to the flanks slightly. A good 15 feet. After that, it's open air which looks like it goes down tot he ground level. A possible atrium. We must be in the corner of the main atrium. There is lots and lots of light coming in, but it's white, diffuse sunlight. It's very pleasant actually as it makes the place look very lovely. There is conversation going on.

That's all I remember.

In the second one, at this point now I forget what was going on. I only have a couple of things I remember. Family is the common theme here. There was a house, but it certainly wasn't a house I've been in before. It didn't look familiar, but it felt like it should have been familiar. Perhaps either a family house or something else of that sort. I seem to remember a stairway that went upwards in a helix design. A very thin helix design. The first room that I entered into was a kitchen type area. I believe there were people in there. The fridge was to my left, the oven to my right, followed by a shelf. The shelf had items on it. The area was slightly green from the overhead fluorescent light. Perhaps the kitchen was also greenish in nature. Yellowish or greenish. There was next a very small hallways that went about five feet, and then into a living area. The whole place felt like some kind fo single apartment at this time.

In the room, I was greeted by a girl with very blonde hair who had very small eyes and what looked like an ultra-light blue or yellow iris. It looked very unnatural, very strange. It was supposed to be a cousin of mine. I'm assuming Danijela. I looked away thinking that it looked very strange. Then she started talking to me. I looked back over, and her eyes were regular size again, but getting a better look, I also see that she's wearing some sort of contact lenses. I have no idea why. I also forget what she was talking to me about. Perhaps I really wasn't listening. As I looked around the room, there were people sitting in all of the vacant seats. To my left was a couch, to my immediate front there was another couch (dark green), and to my right there was an armchair, a small table with a lamp, and another armchair. My left and my right may be reversed, but those were what was in the room.

Everyone in there was blonde. Very blonde. As if this were the model Aryan people. That the one girl was Danijela, that meant that this must be the rest of her family, whom I've never met. They all wore glasses. Every pair of glasses in the room were rectangular in design and with plastic frames. One man, I'm assuming her father, my uncle, spoke and said something. The next thing I remember, we were leaving.

I was somewhere else now, and also danijela looked different now. Still not how she looks in real life, but closer than before. Two more people are to my right, I think my parents or some other family members. Danijela is hugging me from behind and talking to me. We're outside, and looking at something. I'm concentrating on being hugged. It feels very nice and warm. I feel very very peaceful.

Part Three:

First and foremost, I could fly. Now, I'm sure most of us have had dreams where we've been flying. What set this apart for me was the degree of control that I had. I've never had that much control with flying, hovering, and the like in my dreams before. It was very nice this time.

I was over a body of water. An ocean. Perhaps a coastline, but there were also small islands. I forget what spawned the flying. Perhaps it was to escape, or just because.

Flying around, I even noticed the drgree of control that I had. My dream was not in a lucid state, I wasn't aware that I was dreaming, but I felt aware in general of my surroundings. I remember thinking that I've never had much control flying in my dreams before (still not aware I was dreaming).

I was inland at first. Flying upwards and Went for the coast, which was all fo five to ten seconds by air away. I was flying around with a great degree of control.


My first landing from flying was interesting. There was a degree of control, but only in the vertical, not the horizontal. In my landing I also made a wake in the water. A fairly large one. It just looked so vivid which is why I'd like to mention it.

I now kind of wish I had finished writing this one. Below are my notes, but they make little to no sense to me anymore. I can actually still see the wake of water mentioned above. That had to have been the most vivid thing I remember, not just now, but when I first started writing this.

I'll leave you with my notes:

First seeing the dog (not a dog).

left but came back

old lady

two women

tigon, looked different

leaving, look of the house

family, maybe

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Not too much.

Again, I'm continuing this one off of notes two weeks after the fact. It's July 31st right now.

I utterly forget most of it at this point, so here's what I remember.

I want to say there was something military related in there. Whether the area or the like. The room was long and rectangular with an archway about one third into the room where I was. Something like a separation of two rooms, but not really. If anyone lives in a New England home, you probably know what I mean. The room was flooded I believe. If not, there was definitely water, yet everything remained pristine. I don't remember feeling wet or worrying about the water. No feelings of frustration or anything.

At the end of the two rooms was a doorway off to the right leading further into house. I don't remember exploring that far, but my guy feels like I may have. There were multiple windows on the left side with the sun trying to peek through curtains. Oddly, in the primary room I was in, there was also a fish tank with a fish in it. I'm not sure how that's relevant to anything, but it seems slightly amusing to me now.

There were others in this room as well. It was familiarity. If anything, it was their presence that was felt. There was at least on other that I would confirm with myself. A female. I also felt male presence further in the house. At this point, the female part could be fabricated because of another dream I just wrote about, but I do believe there was one, if not just in presence, there. Right now though, I'm going to lean more towards fabrication.

In a show, here's the note I had for that one paragraph. I'm going to stop here because that's the last note.

-There was familiarity with one other person there.